
Upcoming Classes, Events & Retreats – Details


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We would like to invite you to join us on the weekend evening of 13th of March for a Pop-Up dinner in Kaohsiung downtown, prepared by Dao Malinowski (Yogic Vegan Chef).


Dao Malinowski is a Yoga teacher and a retreat Chef, very passionate about Ayurveda (ancient medical tradition of India) and also about all kinds of Plant Based/Vegan cooking ( ”veganizing” meat/diary based recipes is fun!).

Dao will prepare very special, unique plant Based (vegan) menu for this occasion, which will include some of his greatest inspirations in plant-based diet lifestyle, that he tries to promote through his activities as a Yogic Vegan Chef.

Dao will take us on the journey through various dishes, flavors, concepts and cultures: starting from Indian Ayurvedic vegan cooking (section 1), through more healthy and ” veganized” plant based dishes that can save lives of our little friends – chickens (section 2),and then jumping to some vegan Middle East hits (section 3), finally arriving at the place where many vegetarians get stuck on their way to be fully Plant Based: cheese and desserts (section 4).

During the evening, Dao will share a little presentation about his explorations and fascination about healthy, vegan plant based sides of culinary traditions such as Ayurveda, and his philosophy of cooking, holistic lifestyle combining yoga with daily life to bring more awareness into every moment.

He thinks that mindful cooking,as well as mindfulness of eating are examples of the practices that can easily be incorporated into everyone’s life. Food is such a big topic in our lives, that’s why it’s great to think how we can use it to transform our life towards more general awareness and happiness.

<PLANT B > Menu of the Event:
-starters, main dish,various side dishes, dessert, drinks

1. Vegan Ayurveda, Vegan Indian food. Yogic flavors.
2. Happy Chicken: Veganize your Chicken! Vegan Chicken ideas to try
3. Plant Based Delights from the Middle East
4. Diary Free-Vegan Cheese + PlanT Based Desserts



a) Super Early Vegan Bird: Booking 350nt per person – time limited offer 28.02-4th of March

b) Early Vegan Bird: Booking 400nt per person – time limited offer 4th of March- until 8th of March

c) Bookings after 8th and Before 13th: 450ntd) bookings made on 13th of March- 500nt

to register for this event send email with: a) your name, b) phone number, c) Chinese translation needed?yes/no and d) amount of people:

info@daomalinowski.comorregister through google form:…/1FAIpQLSd…/viewform

Dao’s Website:
ig: VeganYogaChefDao

歡迎您參加即將在3/13 週日晚上舉辦的高雄 Vegan 分享餐會,主廚 Dao 會準備多樣的的Vegan餐點,並跟參與者分享自己的經驗。
Dao 是一位瑜伽老師,曾經在法國的餐廳擔任蔬食廚師。Dao 熱愛並熱衷推廣「阿育吠陀療法」(一種傳統印度療法),以及其他多種的蔬食料理(將葷食料理成蔬食是多麽有趣!)Dao 將為這次活動準備非常特別、獨特的植物性(素食)菜單,其中將包括他在植物性飲食生活方式方面的一些最大靈感,他試圖通過他作為瑜伽素食廚師的活動來推廣這些靈感。
Dao 會以他身為一位瑜伽蔬食廚師的推廣經驗為基底所獲取的靈感,為這場餐會準備特別的蔬食餐點(Vegan)。綜合多種不同的文化、口味、理念與菜色,例如「阿育吠陀療法蔬食料理」(階段一)、如何「蔬食化」素雞料理(階段二)、熱門中東蔬食料理(階段三),以及最後的純素起司(非蛋奶)和甜點(階段四)。
晚餐期間,Dao 會同時介紹他在探索更健康的傳統蔬食料理的經驗,例如「阿育吠陀療法蔬食料理」,以及他對於如何將蔬食飲食與瑜珈結合,為日常生活帶入更多當下的意識的經驗。他認為帶有意識/正念的料理和有意識/正念的進食,是每個人都可以輕鬆的融入日常生活,為生活帶入意識/正念的好方法。因為食物對人們來說實在是中活中太重要的一部分了,通過這個稀鬆平常卻又無比重要的部分,我們能使生活中充滿更多的覺知/正念與幸福。

<PLANT B > 活動菜單:
-開胃菜,主菜,各種配菜,甜點,飲料1. 阿育吠陀蔬食,純素印度菜。瑜伽口味。
2. 快樂素雞:蔬食化素雞!素雞佳餚
3. 來自中東的植物蔬食

<PLANT B > Menu of the Event:
-starters, main dish,various side dishes, dessert, drinks

1. Vegan Ayurveda, Vegan Indian food. Yogic flavors.
2. Happy Chicken: Veganize your Chicken! Vegan Chicken ideas to try
3. Plant Based Delights from the Middle East
4. Diary Free-Vegan Cheese + PlanT Based Desserts


價格:a) 早早鳥:3/1 ~ 4日 350 元/人
b) 早鳥價:3/5~ 8日 400元/人
c) 3/9~ 12日預訂:450元/人
d) 3 月 13日現場價- 500元/人
匯款帳號:帳號:01700451036502【807永豐銀行 三民分行活期儲蓄存款】戶名:黃聖博 註:高雄見松會館本持分享愛與善的理念,僅提供會館場地並全力協辦本活動。(並未直接從活動中獲利)本活動之收益,全數使用於嚴選食材之準備,以及邀請主廚前來分享料理之開支。(高雄見松會館分文未取,以求降低晚宴之價格,給大家一場愉快的Vegan Dinner Journey)
price: a) Super Early Vegan Bird: Booking 350nt per person – time limited offer 1st-4th of Marchb) Early Vegan Bird: Booking 400nt per person – time limited offer 4th of March- until 8th of Marchc) Bookings after 8th and Before 13th: 450ntd) bookings made on 13th of March- 500ntto register for this event send email with: a) your name, b) phone number, c) Chinese translation needed?yes/no and d) amount of
register through google form:…/1FAIpQLSd…/viewform道的網站:
ig: VeganYogaChefDao


Honouring the Body and Mind – self care practices of exercise, diet, stress management

New Year’s Raw Food Detox, Mindfulness & Yoga Retreat

Taipei Yangmingshan Mountain Cabin

15th-16th-17th January 2021

Nature-Mindfulness-Yoga-Food Detox-Wellbeing

Retreat is an occasion to withdraw from external world in order to find the deeper inner meaning, healing and balance in those anxious times of highly unstable global situation.

Many of us felt that year 2020 was a moment when universal forces has pushed us towards the edge. That experience of ”edginess” can be seen as a call for transition towards new vision of life, new way of being with oneself and with the others.

On the level of collective consciousness, we could talk about the state of ”emotional inflammation” (term from the work of Dr. Lise Van Susteren), which is characterized by symptoms like anxiety, sleep problems, hyperreactivity, persistent grief or inescapable worry about the future. Many of us do experience those symptoms and feelings of being overwhelmed.

To help ourselves we need to step out towards the sacred inner space. But our society and urban modern way of living will not help us in discovering that part of our being. On the contrary, the consumption driven society pushes us further away from our centre and leaves us depleted, unhappy and burned out.

That’s why retreats are great opportunity for modern people in helping them to reconnect with their deepest sense of purpose, discover joy of well-being and to recharge their life force.

On this retreat guided by experienced practitioners and teachers, participants in very small group will have a great opportunity to deepen their connection with themselves, with the natural world around them and with other humans beings.

We will be detoxifying our bodies by eating only pure, healthy raw vegan food food and by drinking only water and Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Teas.

Retreat timetable

Friday 15th January 2021

3pm – arrival

4pm – 5pm first session introduction and Q&Asitting

5 pm light dinner

7.30pm short dharma talk and Q&A last questions 8pm sound healing sound meditation

9pm rest

Saturday 16 January 2021

7am wake up

7.15 am Morning Yoga Practice

8.30-9.30am breakfast
10am sitting shamatha meditation walking/sitting 1h

11.15-12am metta loving kindness meditation

12.30 lunch
2pm individual questions
2.30pm shamatha with walking meditation

3.30 break 15min

3.45- 4.45pm vippasana mindfulness of body/feelings

6.15pm dinner

7.30-9pm inner work session

9pm rest/short Yin Yoga practice

Sunday 17th January 2021

7am wake up
7.15am hatha yoga
8am breakfast
10am sitting
12.15 lunch (end of noble silence)
1.15pm sound healing session sound meditation
2.15pm sharing circle and tea
3.30 departure

Retreat will also consist of:

+Sitting silent mediation

+Hatha and Yin Yoga practice

+Loving kindness (Metta) practice

+Noble Silence

+ Vegan Raw food detox

+Inner work sessions with somatic oriented psychologist

+ Safe and trauma-informed retreat environement with possiblity of check in and guidance

+Buddhist dharma philosophy- Dharma Talks

+Sound Healing Vibration Massage

+soothing infuence of natural envoironment of the mountains


Anja Lang -Anja is a licensed psychologist (M.Sc.), yoga (RYT200) and meditation teacher and student of the art of living of Buddhist practises. Anja works from a place of authenticity, attention, and care, so you feel creative and open to explore, connect and reconnect. Through workshops and retreats she establishes a caring container where you engage in a dialogue with yourself about what is important, through writing, visual art and body practices.

Dao Malinowski – yoga teacher, sound healer and vegan cook (”Vegan Yoga Chef Dao”), also photography enthusiast and film-maker, workshop facilitator, Buddhist meditator.
Through years of experience from practising within all three major Buddhist traditions (Zen, Theravada and Vajrayana), and also by learning from Indian traditions such as Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda and Advaita Vedanta, Dao is on the path of discovery of the body as the gateway towards psychosomatic integration (Yoga). He is deeply interested in studying and sharing practices and methods of embodied, grounded, somatic meditation, where the key point is to see the own body (Soma), as the Sacred Other to whom we can trust and listen to for the guidance.

Retreat is a tool to help you cope with the challenges of a turbulent world, calm your body and mind, and reclaim a sense of peace, purpose, and connection to others:

restoring your natural, healthy internal equilibrium

Discovery of Sacred Space and learning how to operate the mind into Safe Space where it can remain flexible, thoughtful, and adaptable

What to bring:

  • sleeping bag
  • personal hygiene items
  • Own cup and water bottle
  • yoga mat
  • warm cloths

a) standard – 7000ntdincluding vegan detox food and accommodation in shared dorm

b) privacy – 8000ntd food and private accommodation

This is very safe, cosy and small retreat – only max 8 places available! Please book ASAP if you are interested

(transportation to and out from is venue not included but can be arranged)

To book your place deposit amount of 2000ntd is required – contact us for details



自然-正念-瑜伽-食物排毒-健康務虛會是在那些高度不穩定的全球局勢的焦慮時刻,為了尋求更深層的內在含義,康復和平衡而退出外部世界的機會。我們中的許多人認為,2020年是普遍力量將我們推向邊緣的時刻。那種“單身”的經歷可以看作是向新的生活觀,與自己和他人的新生活方式過渡的呼籲。在集體意識的層面上,我們可以談論“情緒性炎症”的狀態(來自Lise Van Susteren博士的工作),其特點是焦慮,睡眠問題,反應過度,持續悲傷或對未來不可避免的擔憂。我們中許多人確實經歷過這些症狀和不知所措的感覺。為了幫助自己,我們需要邁向神聖的內部空間。但是,我們的社會和城市現代生活方式將無助於我們發現自己那一部分。相反,以消費為導向的社會使我們進一步遠離中心,使我們變得虛弱,不快樂和精疲力盡。因此,務虛會是現代人的絕佳機會,可以幫助他們重新認識自己最深切的目標感,發現幸福感並為自己的生活補充能量。在這個由經驗豐富的從業者和老師指導的務虛會上,很小一部分的參與者將有很大的機會加深他們與自己,周圍自然環境以及與其他人類的聯繫。我們將通過僅吃純淨,健康的純素食食品以及僅喝水和中草藥涼茶來排毒身體。



7.30 pm佛法簡短演講和問答環節,最後一個問題8 pm聲音治癒的聲音冥想

9 pm休息2021年1月16日星期六

7 pm早上7.15上午瑜伽練習

8.30 -9.30am早餐


11.15-12am metta慈愛冥想12.30午餐


2.30pm shamatha步行冥想

3.30休息15min 3。


(Dao Malinowski)–瑜伽老師,聲音治療師和純素食者(“素食瑜伽廚師道”),也是攝影愛好者和電影攝製者,講習班的調解人,佛教的禪修者。通過多年在所有三種主要佛教傳統(禪宗,小乘佛教和金剛乘佛教)中的實踐經驗,以及從印度傳統如哈達瑜伽,阿育吠陀和阿德瓦塔·韋丹塔的學習中,道正處於發現身體的道路上,成為通向心身整合(瑜伽)的門戶。他對研究和分享體現,紮根,軀體冥想的做法和方法深感興趣,其中的重點是將自己的身體(Soma)視為我們可以信任並可以聽取指導的神聖他人。



a)標準– 7000ntd –包括純素食排毒食品和在共用宿舍中的住宿

b)隱私– 8000ntd食品和私人住宿這是非常安全,舒適和小型的靜修場所–最多只能容納8個地方!如果您有興趣,請盡快預訂(不包括進出場館的交通,但可以安排)。要預訂您的位置,押金為2000ntd –與我們聯繫以獲取詳細信息

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