Category: projects
March 2023 – New Yin and Hatha classes in Basel Switzerland
More info and booking :
Flowing river – Dao’s Native American Flute Video
Recorded with iphone on a walk in Basque Country in France, October 2022.
lockdown visual journaling from meditation center
Those photos are the result of me challenging myself for doing regular visual documentation of daily experiences of living a contemplative lifestyle at the Theravada Buddhist Meditation Center (a small monastery in the mountains of central Taiwan). My plan was to do this as a personal journaling, subjective record of me being in that space…
New Year’s Raw Food Detox, Mindfulness & Yoga Retreat Taipei
Our first retreat this year in Yangmingshan was something for what we were waiting and preparing to for quite some time. Definitely being in the space of retreat and doing together as a group practice of ”the Noble Silence” (practice of awareness where silence is a tool for calming the mind through no speaking) brought…
Hualien Healing Gathering
Hualien Healing Gathering was an event dedicated towards finding holistic well-being by being together as a supportive community of truth seekers, without toxicity of modern civilisation, alcohol, drugs and technology to find the inner source of healing. Surrendering to the simple and pure healing powers of Mother Earth by simply being with oneself in safe,…
”Rebirth” – video
Video is based on a story created by a student in my Clown Class. It’s based on his real life experiences and traumas.
holistic teaching, holistic learning
Glimpses from being a teacher at the Holistic Education School in Taiwan. I have been a full time teacher in this school and I was teaching young Taiwanese students subjects like English, Hatha Yoga, Photography, Clown Training and Art & culture.
somewhere else. zhuolan – poetry of the street photo
This is a Street Photo project which has just now been published in form of a book (click here to see digital version of this book).